Monday, January 7, 2008

Life right now...

be prepared for a really long post...

in all seriousness, i do have a lot to write about but i'm not sure i'm going to be able to get through all of it tonight...:) it will happen eventually...:)

so, i've been in l-town for the last 4 weeks hanging out on Christmas break. it's had its ups and downs, but overall it has been a good break. my nephews have been here two different times and we've had a lot of fun doing things like making santas with cotton ball beards, going to the farm, and playing guitar hero! :) the middle nephew loves guitar hero. while he is horrible at playing (he's only 3), he loves to dance around and play air guitar. it's been so much fun. i've also gotten to have lots of craft time with my mom. i made a little scrapbook for my summer missions partner and sent it to her. my mom got some cool new "toys" for Christmas so i've enjoyed getting to use those! :) i love being crafty which again confirms that i am my mother's daughter. :) my extended family has been crazy as ever over the break, but what's new? i wish we could go back to the days of them not being so crazy and the days when i didn't have to be so careful about what i said around who, but i know that will never happen. yay for family drama. i've been to two weddings and a wedding shower over the break as well. i'm kinda getting sick of being in this stage of life where everyone is getting married, but i know that there is no end in sight in the near future. oh well. they were both beautiful weddings and i'm really happy for the newly married couples, but it makes me wish i was going to my own at times. the wedding shower was a lot of fun. it was for one of my friends that's about 6 years older than me. she's been an incredible influence in my life as well as and amazing encouragement. i'm so excited that she's finally found "the one." i'm super excited about going to the wedding in february. now i just need to find a date...anyone have any suggestions? i refuse to go to another wedding alone.

now onto more serious stuff...

i have always struggled with contentment and the last few months have been no different. when i came home from california, i prayed that God would help me be content with where i was---back in texas, at baylor, finishing up college---because i really just wanted to be in california. anyway, i didn't do well with being content. i went through phases of life when i was just really unhappy with where i was and the person i was. my relationship with God was like a roller coaster and really unpredictable. i had days when i was really moody and a really bad friend. i dealt with the whole being back at baylor and in texas in a really crappy way. i was so discontent with myself and my life that i didn't even know what to do with myself at times.

anyway, this whole break my mom has been constantly badgering me about "what is wrong" and why i am not the same joyful person i was at one time. i denied that there was anything wrong until a little over a week ago, when i just could not take it anymore. the last week has been life-changing in many ways. God has really shown me the error of my ways and is putting me back on the road He wants me on. i know that all of my problems aren't solved, but i'm trying my hardest to be content and live in freedom. i'm really excited to see where God takes me and how He works in my life. yesterday's sermon at church was about being willing to be prepared for what God wants to do in our lives, in the life of our church, and in the life of our community. it was really challenging, especially with all that has gone on in the last week.

so, that's a little bit about what God has been doing in my life and what has been going on with me lately. please pray for me...that i will stay on this track and be content and that God will continue to work in my life in awesome ways....

1 comment:

Lara & Nate said...

okay, time for an update...seriously now...

love you!